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So far admin_51683 has created 7 blog entries.

What is a Total Integrated Performance Excellence System?

Believe it or not, Organizational Project Management is a core component of a Total Integrated Performance Excellence System (TIPES) and can be measured using the Project Management Institute’s (PMI) Organizational Project Management Maturity Model (OPM3) standard. If you like acronyms and alignment with other organizational development tools like Balridge and ISO 9001, you will like this paper recently released by one of my clients. Click here to download this tool.

2018-03-07T11:07:11+00:00December 7th, 2017|

​Can You Really Have a One Page Project Plan?

2015 Albuquerque International Project Management Day 

​Often project plans have 5-15 pages or are stored in multiple locations. Project managers and sponsors will sometimes think, “I wish I could have my plan on one page.” Is it possible? Clark A.Campbell who wrote a series of books called The One Page Project Manager, thinks so and has developed a clever approach. Learn how and when to use this powerful approach to managing projects on “One Page.”

2018-03-07T10:48:47+00:00November 6th, 2015|

Quality Principles for Effective Project Management

AQN | Quality Principles for Effective Project Management 

Effective management of projects is critical to an organization’s overall success, but how can this work be measured and improved? Some organizations have centralized project management efforts by developing a Project Management Office function, but incremental organizational improvement is still a challenge to objectively manage and measure. The Project Management Institute (PMI) developed the Organizational Project Management Maturity Model (OPM3) to provide organizations a framework “…to advance your organization’s strategic interests through the efficient and successful execution of projects”. In this session, Jane will share her personal experience working with organizations to develop and implement a practical approach using OPM3​.

Link to AQN for more info:

2018-03-07T10:49:00+00:00August 27th, 2015|

Is There More Than Just Repackaging?

New Mexico Tech Council – Women in Technology | Office 365 |  Is There More Than Just Repackaging?

If you are a user of MS Office application you may be wondering about if and when you will need to move to the cloud based Office 365 that runs “seamlessly” on all of your devices. The “One Drive” capability offers the promise of unity for all your files. The ability to add SharePoint for an affordable price makes the jump to Office 365 per month service even more enticing. Is it worth it? Are the applications that different? Should you jump? Come to this seminar to find out what our presenter has learned on her journey to cloud with Office 365.

Link to NMTC – WIT:

2018-03-07T10:49:35+00:00April 26th, 2015|

How to Use ISO Standards to Develop a Project Management Culture

How to Use ISO Standards to Develop a Project Management Culture 

In this Webinar, I share how to use ISO Standards to drive and support a project management culture with MILE. MILE is the Madinah Institute for Leadership and Entrepreneurship (MILE) and is a leading Corporate Social Responsibility Program dedicated to enhancing leadership capacity and entrepreneurial excellence in the Middle East, North Africa, and Asia. Learn from recent results with work currently underway at VA Cooperative Studies Program.

Visit for information.

2018-03-07T10:49:59+00:00November 17th, 2014|